Wednesday, 6 July 2016

How Indian Market Research Industry is riding the Digital Wave

Indian Market Research IndustryThe internet has dramatically changed the Indian market research industry. Research is now faster, more accurate and remarkably cost-effective.

Like every aspect of the business world, Internet has completely changed the research industry as well. The recurring theme when it comes to the upcoming trends in the research industry is its increasing reliance on web-based applications and resources.

The Indian market research industry is cashing in on this digital bonanza. With the increasing penetration of the internet in India, using digital tools was inevitable. In its essence, the basics of focal groups, questionnaires and observation studies remain the same. The internet has just made these easier, more accurate and efficient.

Using the social media: The social media is one of the most efficient tool for qualitative research. It is not just cost-efficient, it also allows one to run a research campaign over a long period of time. Add to this its reach and multiple platforms that are now available to a researcher. The other advantage of social media is that its ease of consumer segregation. Usually participants come with a profile, an easy access to their demographic. Some of these also allow for group formation with specific privacy rules, making research easier and more accurate.

Mobile support: The biggest story of 2015 was the use of mobile networks as a research tool. Luckily, this is still very true. With the use of mobile phones increasing day by day, mobile research is set to be the most used tactic by Indian market research industry. The spread of mobile phones in the lower-income class also gives researchers an unparalleled range in consumers.

Using online search communities: An interesting recent development in research is the emergence of online research communities. Researchers can customise their access with closed groups, invite-only participants, live chats and bulletin boards. Since the respondents volunteer to be part of the survey, they are quick to answer and usually accurate. It also boosts connectivity between a brand and the consumers.

Focusing on the consumer: A welcome byproduct of digital access is the focus it has brought on the end-user. Today the consumer is an integral part of the process. Researchers have also gained access to consumers who were previously harder to reach. Surveys are more interactive with often on-the-spot improvisations. Easier trial runs, surveys, geo-location targeting, live chats etc has also ensured that the consumer is considered at every step.

Efficient service: Like its effect elsewhere the internet has also brought in remarkable efficiency in the research is conducted and carried out. Not only does it take less time, online research also costs a fraction of traditional methods. Results are delivered quickly and are usually accurate. The huge amount of data has also forced the Indian market research industry to come up with new tools and ways to cope.

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