Saturday, 13 August 2016

Need for Consumer Research Services in Advertising

Consumer Research Services
Consumer research services are an indispensable part of advertising. Under-standing your consumer is the key to create a successful campaign, evaluating and improving it.

The consumer is the king in advertising. Your business may be dependent on how suc-cessful you are in peddling your campaign to a prospective client, but ultimately it is the consumer who decides your fate. Recent trends show that client retention is getting harder today. Understanding your consumer is the only way to ensure long-running suc-cessful campaigns.

How to Choose Between Local and International Market Research

Local and International Market Research
Both local and international research have distinct advantages. So, how do you choose between the two? It depends on the scope of your expansion and priorities.

With markets around the world opening up, even small businesses are attempting to go global. Gone are the days when only big multinationals had presence in different coun-tries. With its millions of consuming population, a stable government and rising incomes, India is seen as an attractive market by companies in UK and Singapore.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Challenges of Qualitative Research Marketing

Qualitative Research Marketing
Like most scientific methods qualitative marketing research has its own unique challenges. The most common problems are related to methodology, technology and respondents.

Qualitative research has found multiple applications in business, especially in creating optimum marketing strategy. With its emphasis on finding the reasons behind the facts and figures, qualitative research is the right way understand the market and the way you should optimise your own business.

However, like any scientific method, qualitative marketing research has its own challenges. Some of these challenges are common to all research methods, while some others are related to the methodology we use. Sooner or later every researcher will confront these roadblocks. How they overcome these is the mark of a really good researcher.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Marketing Research Services in the Age of Social Media

marketing research services
Social media has revolutionised marketing research services. It has given re-searchers easy, fast and reliable access to their users and competition.

Of the biggest technological developments that have revolutionised marketing research is the emergence and spread of the social media. What was basically a means for network-ing has become a major business tool. In marketing research it has completely revolutio-nised the way we carry out and evaluate our research.

With its instant connect to millions across the world,
social media is a perfect tool for re-searchers. When it comes to research for companies from countries like Singapore and UK, market research through social media can give us more relevant results. In fact, work-ing with social media has become an essential part of marketing research services.
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