While the global economy has slowed down, the Indian markets have shown remarkable resilience. This has prompted more and more international firms from countries like Singapore and UK to break into the Indian market.
However, the complexity of the Indian market makes this is easier said than done.
The Indian market is unique with distinct customs, traditions and often confusing legalities –– conditions that foreign firms often find difficult to deal with. Indian qualitative research agencies provide the right solution for these foreign companies. They provide a valuable insight into the local markets, helping their foreign clients to formulate plans and minimise risks.
The dilemma then lies in which firm to hire. Today there are a number of successful research agencies working in India. You can go through the usual method of searching among your friends and acquaintances for the most suitable agency. But there are some factors you must consider before selecting one:
Experience: Nothing can beat experience in any field. An experienced firm has the contacts, the know-how to gather the correct information and the skill to analyse it. But experience can also mean the tendency to stick to established methods and lack of innovation.
On the other hand lack of experience may not always be a bad thing. New firms are hungry for success and making their mark. They are also more likely to think out of the box and come up with unique ideas. So, rather than looking for experience in your firm, look for experience of your team. A mix of old and new could be just the balance that you are looking for.
Past campaigns: Ask the agency for their past campaigns. This will give you a good idea of their work mode. You are not necessarily looking for experience in your field. Rather look for the way they handled each individual campaign –– their innovative thinking or ability to come up with new ideas.
You can also ask them for references. Follow these up and call their past clients to hear about their own experience. How did the agency handle complicated assignments? How flexible were they? Did they communicate frequently and were available for any queries?
Know your team: Chances are that your first meeting will be with agency representatives. Now ask to meet the team you will work with. You are looking for good communication and analysing skills. So, do not hesitate to ask for your team’s track record. Since you are looking for an Indian qualitative research agency, you may want people with experience in dealing with the Indian market.
Mode of gathering information: With a qualitative research agency the mode of gathering and analysing information is the most basic factor. What are the various ways the agency uses to gather information? Be clear on how this will be done. Ask for a sample questionnaire. The questions should be engaging, open-ended and give you insight into the respondent’s mind.
Ref:- http://www.articlesbase.com/marketing-tips-articles/what-to-look-for-when-hiring-indian-qualitative-research-agency-7441631.html
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